Welcome to boNGO Worldwide - Raising educational standards in Malawi

The south of Malawi and parts of Mozambique were hit by the cyclone «Freddy» twice within the last month. It is one of the strongest and longest lasting tropical storms ever recorded.

With a financial contribution of Euro 30 you can support an emergency package, containing food, water buckets and basic household and hygiene items, for the affected families. boNGO and the community organisations will distribute them directly to the people in need.

Find out more 

boNGO programmes

Early Education
(3-6 years)

early education project

Model Preschools

Development of Model Preschools that provide early education and teacher training.

Primary Education
(6 - 12 years)

blue classroom happy

Happy Classrooms Program

Creating a print-rich classroom environment in primary schools.

Youth and Adult

B'ella film screening Homepage

Education through film

Screening and discussing our film      B´ella at schools and community meetings.


Become a sponsor

You may be a company looking for a compact package to clearly demonstrate your social responsibility. 

Or an individual wishing to make a meaningful donation.

boNGO is fair. We don’t have expensive cars, drivers or huge offices.

boNGO Worldwide is registered with NGORA (NGO Regulatory Authority), mandated with regulating all NGOs in Malawi.

We are also registered with the Council for non-governmental organisations in Malawi (CONGOMA).

We are working towards the 4th UN Sustainable Development Goal
Get in touch and let us help you to achieve your CSR and SDG commitments.

bongo 4 quality

Singing in the Chichewa language – boNGO’s director Tereza Mirovičová promotes boNGO through music

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